
  • (Pseudo) Differentiable JPEG - Computing Gradients from Noise

    In the previous post, we explored how deep learning can be used for image steganography. But as cool as that sounds, it turns out to be pretty impractical - no support for lossy image compression and easily fooled by adversarial attacks, even though it can handle a hefty 24 bits...

  • Deep Steganography - Hiding Images in Plain Sight

    Encryption is all the rage when it comes to securely sending data from Point A to Point B without revealing information to anyone snooping around. However, for someone trying to eavesdrop, seeing a bunch of scrambled messages might just incentivize them to try everything in their power to brute-force or...

  • Within A Game - Building a 7 Segment Display

    So after a long time, thought to dust off this little page over here. One of the very few games I have in my device is Minetest, which is an open-source voxel game engine similiar to the likes of Minecraft - albeit a 100 times faster (C++ > Java). Minecraft...

  • Debugging Linux Boot Performance in my Laptop

    It’s been around 8 months since I made the switch to Linux (Mint) and I have to admit, this is way too good for my potato laptop XD . Opening 30+ tabs in my browser no longer causes my cpu to torment me with its scream. However, while everything seemed...

  • Perspectives and Code - Redesigning Fibonacci

    Among the first few coding challenges a newbie comes across is that of computing the Fibonacci Sequence. At a glance, this absurdly random question does not appear to offer any real world use case (despite it’s importance), apart from the fact that it’s used to demonstrate the concepts of recursion...

  • Tweet ID's are More than Enough

    TLDR; You can access a tweet with only the given tweet id While scouring through the internet for suitable NLP datasets (tweets to be exact), one thing that crossed my eye was the fact the most datasets did not have the actual text content in them. Instead it was just...

  • Deploying Acedev's Random Bytes

    Hola there. This is the opening post for my random bytes page, where I get to to keep notes of all those interesting quirks I come across daily, the things I do, so on and so forth. Primarily it may only help in refreshing my 40KB brain, but hopefully it...